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I have reported the obvious bug, but support team asked me to attach the repro sample. Why?

First, we always appreciate all bug reports as well as product improvement suggestions. Although our products are being used by thousands of developers and thoroughly tested, we’re assuming that some issues are still unaddressed, and we’ll be happy to resolve them as soon as possible. But prior to fixing any bug, we need a confirmed repro scenario. It can be either a list of steps that we need to perform using one of the samples shipped along with the product, a modified sample, or a small repro sample. We’re sorry, but without this required sample, any changes in the source code are not allowed by our policy.

Please note that code snippets or executables are not accepted, and we need a whole sample that we’ll be able to download, open in the Visual Studio environment, build, and see the problem. 

According to our statistics, in 90% of cases, our customers reported to us that they'd succeeded in resolving the problem in their code while creating the repro sample; in 9%, we pointed to the customer's code issue, and only in 1%, it was our problem.

Thanks for your cooperation!
Creation date: 11/14/2019 12:12 PM (support)      Updated: 4/1/2024 12:40 PM (support)